Chelsi Cocking

Chelsi Alise CockingName: Chelsi Cocking
Hometown: Kingston, Jamaica
Campus involvement: Georgia Tech Ivan Allen College of Liberal Arts Student Ambassador, Computational Media Ambassador, Historian of The Georgia Tech Society of Black Engineers, Minorities at the College of Computing.

In fifty words or less, describe yourself.

I live by these three mottos:

“Look to the future.” – No matter what, the past in in this past, so look to your future to figure out what you can do to better yourself, better your happiness or reverse a mistake you once made.

“Stay positive.” – I always like to keep a positive outlook on life. No matter what life hands me, I try to look at the good in the situation instead of the bad.

“Be you, stay true, and stay open.” – Always show the true you. Never be afraid to show who you are with confidence; always stay true to yourself. And no matter what, always keep an open mind to new experiences and situations.

What is the coolest thing you have done in your studies as a CM major?

So far, the coolest thing I’ve done with my major is to not only study abroad in Barcelona, but to also make an entire graphical and animated scene, from scratch in Processing (a graphics software), inspired by Luxo Jr., the Pixar lamp. This was done for CS 3451, the Computer Graphics class here at Georgia Tech. I was extremely excited about this class and project because my dream is to one day work for Pixar. This was the first class I have ever taken in which I was exposed to the fields of graphic design, graphics development and animation and it definitely confirmed for me that my infatuation for these fields was real. It was so exciting for me to gain the experience of not only designing the graphical 3D scene for my project, but to also animate it from scratch and gain knowledge from the ground up about graphic design and animation.

What are your professional goals?

My first minimal goal is to gain experience with a notable company within the field of media technology, then one of my highest, professional goals, and one of my dreams, is to work for Pixar Animation Studios. But ultimately, owning my own company, has always been my goal since I was a small child. I want own my own business based off of the fields of Digital Media and Media Technology. But ultimately, with whatever job I do, my main goal in life is to bring others happiness and positivity with the work I present.

In one sentence, explain why students should choose the CM major.

No other major will allow you to combine science, technology. and art like Computational Media at Georgia Tech does.