Name: Emma Hargrave
Hometown: Roswell, GA
Campus involvement: I’m an officer in W@CC, CM Ambassadors, Undergraduate Council, and I lead games in VGDev.
In fifty words or less, describe yourself.
I am a third year who enjoys many aspects of the Computational Media program. My threads are People and Film, Performance, and Media and I like Web Design, Game Design, and Video Production. In my free time, I sew costumes for myself and my friends to wear to Dragon Con and other conventions.
What is the coolest thing you have done in your studies as a CM major?
I am currently making a horror movie in LMC 3406, Video Production.
What are your professional goals?
My goal is to graduate from Tech and then enter into the film industry as a director. If work doesn’t come easily right away, I plan on going to grad school in either New York or California.
In one sentence, explain why students should choose the CM major.
Computational Media is a very broad and creative major; anyone within the major can cater their studies to exactly the type of creative that they want to be, and learn how to do just about everything else in the major sufficiently in the process.