Mattie Kim
Hometown: Los Angeles, CA
Campus involvement: Reform Undergraduate Ministry, CM Ambassadors, Global Leadership LLC Mentor


In fifty words or less, describe yourself.

I’m an enthusiastic person who loves listening to other people’s passions. I enjoy fashion, food, and finding new places to go & new people to meet. For CM, my threads are Media and Interaction Design.

What is the coolest thing you have done in your studies as a CM major?

In one CM class, Intro to Visual Design, I got to work on a digital magazine where we documented our experiences with COVID-19. It was fun to hear the stories from my classmates and create digital art to help demonstrate our experiences.

What are your professional goals?

I’d love to help run nonprofit organizations and assist them with digital marketing and management.

In one sentence, explain why students should choose the CM major.

Computational Media is a wonderful way to build a well rounded mindset for yourself in order to approach this world with a unique perspective.